Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Photo Books

I found out what I want to do with all the pictures I took on my vacation in Disney World and Hawaii. I want to make photo books. I'm still a print kinda gal. I like to order prints of my digital pictures and put them in albums...or scrapbooks if I have the time, which I never do. But the best of both worlds seem to be the photo book. I got on this train late. Now there's so many websites that offer the service. Which to use? I didn't do research (at first) but ended up with one of the most popular, Shutterfly.

Shutterfly, to me, is like Apple. Everyone seems to loooove Apple and its products. There are so many raves about Shutterfly. But really, both Apple and Shutterfly have done me wrong.

Try, just try, to use Apple's customer service. It's the worst. I've posted it before but I'll post it again: DISNEY solved an Apple problem for me in 3 min, while Apple couldn't provide a solution in 3 days.

My pain about Shutterfly? It CROPS my pictures! My beautiful pictures shot with my wonderful Nikon D90. Shutterfly crops them. CROPS! My only option is to move around their crop box.

I do my own cropping, thank you very much! That's about the only editing I do with my pictures. I don't get all hopped up on Photoshop. My photographs have very little manipulation. Honest to goodness, I just crop, turn color into b/w or sepia, and sometimes add d-lighting.

Hey, Shutterfly! Provide the service, but don't do the editing!

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